Russians who Tortured Gays on Video get Jail Time

By Melanie Nathan, October 19, 2015.

Screen Shot 2015-10-19 at 10.18.21 AMFinally a measure of justice has been attained in Russia as nine members of the gang known as Occupy Paedophilia have been sentenced to prison terms or suspended sentences for luring, torturing and publishing the humiliating recorded videos of young men perceived as gay.

Here on Oblogdee we covered the spate of persecution of young gay men by the Russian gang, extensively.

The gang members would lure unsuspecting victims by tricking them into thinking they had a date, then humiliate and torture them on camera, and then the videos would be publicized on social media.

The gang would lure the men to a park or into an apartment, strip them to their underwear, shave their heads, paint them, cover them in excrement, force them to drink urine, assault them and force them to admit to being gay. They tried to get away with this by asserting that they were vigilantes seeking to punish pedophiles.

In some cases the gang was accused of serious assaults and sodomizing victims with bottles. However we are not sure if these serious charges were also pursued.

screen-shot-2013-11-05-at-11-37-06-amNine of the gangsters were arrested and found guilty of at least 19 attacks against gay people. Six were jailed for up to six years, and the other three received suspended sentences.

We published the stories and videos and successfully created an international outcry here on Oblogdee as did other media outlets who also picked up the story.

At Oblogdee we published a widely viewed “WANTED” article with the pictures and names of the men, calling for their capture and harsh punitive measures.

Maxim Martsinkevich, known as Tesak,  the Russian anti-gay leader of Occupy Pedophile absconded abroad when he heard the authorities were searching for him. He was hunted down and captured in Cuba and has since received a prison term of 5 years on related charges.

The gang’s attacks caused an enormous amount of harm, where the young men’s lives were ruined and some even driven to suicide, as the gangsters displayed the embarrassing videos on popular Russian social media pages.

While I do not believe the sentences are severe enough, given the gravity of the crimes and the harm done, at least they are off the street to suffer some consequences and contemplate their actions, while serving their sentences. The Russian authorities have provided a deterrent and shown that they will not tolerate lawlessness in the name of self-righteous vigilantism.

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2 thoughts on “Russians who Tortured Gays on Video get Jail Time

  1. This is no doubt a welcomed development. It still beats my comprehension why man metes out so much wickedness to his fellow men.

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